Posts Tagged“iya”

I recently went to my Happy Place as I do every week. A hidden beautiful river that flows through the mountains here in Southern California. As I walked down the bank, I noticed something low to the ground move into the bush. I couldn’t make out what it was. Was it a lizard? Was it a snake? I made a conscious decision  to proceed in the opposite direction. I wasn’t taking any chances even if it was only a squirrel. Whatever it was I scared it off. Or so I thought… I soon forgot about it and relaxed on a…

Everything changed on March 4, 2017, in a good way. My thought process, my energy, my level of sprituality, literally everything. I called my Godfather in Ifa (read more about Ifa here )  and all I said was “Baba (Yoruba word for father/wise man), I’m ready”.  He’s been waiting years for me to say that! This will not make sense to some of you, so I will explain as such. I’ve been a practioner of African Orisha Worship for many, many years.  In this tradition you ultimately want to be crowned with the Orisha that walks with you. The ceremony is…